Press-release : Itoh Denki’s Diverter Centric sortation system is featured in the latest summer issue of Logistics Business magazine.
Read the original article in the digital version of the magazine – here.
Pioneer in Motor Driven Rollers (or MDR) for intralogistics conveyors, Japanese company Itoh Denki has developed a range of compact diverter modules for sortation systems, based on its proven 24V DC technology.
The rapid growth of ecommerce in Europe has pushed many companies and third-party logistics providers to upgrade their intralogistics capacities by looking for solutions that can boost processing efficiencies and give them more flexibility to tackle future needs.
Among the many pieces of the intralogistics puzzle, the sortation process is used all along the line and is also proving to be one of the main bottlenecks, from reception of the product to order shipping via all the steps between. Therefore, choosing the right sortation technology is decisive in designing efficient systems, those that can provide enough capacity to meet today’s needs and the agility to adapt to tomorrow’s growing volumes and changing requirements; all of this without overdoing it or bursting a hole through the budget roof.
Based on its proven MDR 24V DC technology, Itoh Denki has developed a modular approach to the design of sortation lines, using lateral diverter modules. The F-RAT NX and the MABS diverters are exclusively powered by 24V DC motors and do not use any pneumatics.
This drastically simplifies their integration and reduces the need for maintenance while offering higher throughputs. When combined with ZPA (zero pressure accumulation) conveyors, they ensure the precise positioning and smooth transfer of the products, making them an ideal technology in highly automated or autonomous processes.
F-RAT NX 90° diverter
The F-RAT NX diverter transfers products at 90° on either side of the conveyor line and is the only diverter of its type to do that without lifting the product between the entry and the exit, allowing smoother transfers and easier design and commissioning of the conveyor.
See more on the F-RAT NX

MABS high throughput sorter
The MABS is a high-capacity multiangle diverter, sorting products on a shifting wheels table. It brings a significant boost in throughput with up to 4300 products per hour for a single MABS zone. Exits can be set at 30°, 45° or 90° angles, both left and right.
See more on the MABS

Both the F-RAT NX and the MABS modules can be ordered in over 15 different sizes, to match the specific size requirements of any conveyor or product to sort.
Combination options
Optimal performance and cost efficiency can be achieved by combining MABS diverters, used at the heaviest traffic points on the line, with F-RAT NX 90° diverters.
The modular architecture of diverter-centric sortation systems not only offers a high degree of flexibility when designing the system, but also provides the agility to quickly expand or modify lines when needed.
The versatility of diverter-based sortation systems is key for 3PLs handling logistics for ecommerce companies, who need to be able to quickly adapt to changing volumes and requirements.
With the high reliability of Itoh Denki’s products, the limited need for maintenance and the ability to quickly replace faulty parts on the line, diverter-centric sortation systems ensure high availability of the system, drastically reducing downtime and ownership costs.
An F-RAT NX based sortation line at Paver’s distribution facility in York, UK
To equip the latest distribution centre of footwear company Pavers, Nottingham-based integrator PJP used F-RAT NX 90° diverter modules to design a flawless automated sortation line, sorting parcels coming from a main picking line to a series of consolidation stations.
You can find more about PJP conveyors on their website

line in York,UK