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Making testing meaningful – and ensuring an informed decision on system specification

  • Amsterdam Tech Center
  • Juni 13, 2023

Making the right decision when it comes to designing and specifying conveyor and transfer lines is critical if the desired levels of throughput and performance are to be achieved.

Issues such as speed, conveyor width and length, and sorting performance must all be properly addressed to ensure any new system operates effectively from day one.

The costs of an incorrect or unproven solution will be considerable, spanning initial delays to operations through to remedial action and even a complete overhaul or replacement if the specified system is found to be unsuitable for the task at hand.

But how can these levels of performance be guaranteed for an individual application, and these risks avoided, before an OEM, system integrator or end user commits to a full capital investment?

Many companies will claim to be able to deliver a suitable conveying and sorting system for any given application or product, but in reality, the only way to ensure a solution is suitable is to undertake a full physical test in conditions as near as possible to those which will be found in the factory or warehouse.

That is something which until now has been only a pipe dream, but this is now available to customers thanks to a major investment by Itoh Denki at its European Technology Centre in Amsterdam.

Eine Schleife in der Amsterdamer Testanlage

There, we have created a complete test loop for our acclaimed Multi-Angle Ball Sorter (MABS) high-capacity multi-directional diverter, which delivers unrivalled speed, compactness and flexibility across multiple applications.

For the first time, the test loop enables customers’ products to be handled in real operating conditions.

It runs at a maximum speed of 90 meters per minute – a response to the increased demands for high throughput in conveying applications. The conveyors are 80mm wide but can be made narrower to simulate a range of customer scenarios.

The test loop features a number of zones, each made up of different numbers of MABS units depending on the size of the product being tested, with different sorting angles too.


A range of products from standard cardboard boxes and plastic totes to plastic honeycomb bottom trays and polybags can be tested, with maximum individual product weights of 30kg.

In addition to MABS, the loop also allows products to be tested on our F-RAT NX 90° diverter modules, which can be combined with MABS on sortation lines to deliver optimal performance/ price solutions.

OEMs, system integrators and end users can either visit Amsterdam in person to see their products being tested – a variety of boxes and totes of different sizes and weights are held there for this purpose – or send their products to Amsterdam where the team will film the testing process for customers to view at their convenience.

Either way, cost and risk are reduced, and specifiers and customers are able to reach a truly informed decision more rapidly on the most suitable system, based on concrete information derived from a real-life test.

And for those able to visit, the Itoh Denki team will also offer them a tour of beautiful Amsterdam once testing is complete!

To find out more, contact us

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